Monthly Archives: October 2017

In the Spirit of Art

Installations were  different

2023, Platform, Athens Greece with Doug Harvey and Jeffery Vallance

2015, Turin, Italy Roberta Marroquin

An interactive performance. The installation was in the ex-hospital’s waiting room in Turin.

Turin, Waiting Room, Decommissioned Hospital

I did a 3 tarot card  reading during the fair, using a new and updated tarot cards that I have created for this performance with my photos.  No negative readings.

The large b&w photographs by Roberta Marroquin. The floor was  covered with 10,000 red silk rose pedals. The table will have a long black table cloth and the room had flicking candles.

One of the readings. The person strove to see. Very independent. Currently very excited about life and life will be fruitful and abundant. At least today and tonight.