#7, Galería y Centro Cultural Bosque Nativo, Chile, 2012

“13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”

Past Exhibitions Continue Here

Chile 13 ways Blackbird  Chile 13 ways Blackbird  Chile 13 ways Blackbird 7  Chile 13 ways Blackbird 2

Chile 13 ways Blackbird 4  Chile 13 ways Blackbird 3  Chile 13 ways Blackbird 5  Chile 13 ways Blackbird 6

The Blackbird, also called Thrush is a bird that is found worldwide it can be migratory, just as Holly Crawford’s work migrates to our city.

Holly Crawford, born in California, is a cross media artist, behavioral scientist, economist and art historian. The focus of her artistic proposal is to examine mass media and popular culture and its relationship to art.

On this occasion, the American artist makes an invitation to people to join the balloon inflation: ” Please participate. Come Talk and connect “.

The invitation is to participate in the inflation from Monday 12 November to Thursday 15 November at the opening at 20 pm.

“‘Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” is a way to approach the creation and destruction, time and change, and is also a way to approach the international art in the basin of Lake Llanquihue.


16 Nov. 11:00 Social Hour Holly Crawford and Felix Lazo
16 Nov. 16:00 hrs Start Felix Lazo Creativity Workshop
November 17 09:30 am Felix Lazo Creativity Workshop
November 19 11:30 am Meeting with the university community in University of Lagos (Aula Magna in street Serena 77)

-From Galeria de Arte Website

Closing: November 30, 2012

Opening and Reception: November 15, 2012

Galería y Centro Cultural Bosque Nativo
Avda. Vicente Pérez Rosales 1305
Puerto Varas